Monarch Park Clinic

monarchparkclinic.comĀ is the website for Monarch Park Clinic located:

840 Coxwell Ave, suite 205

Our practice model is changing, in such that we do require calling ahead to book appointment. Please call as soon as possible, so we may accommodate you reasonably. Thank you.

Please call 416-462-1777 to book an appointment or for any inquiries. Please note, calls are not screened, so only voicemails will be returned. Thank you.

Our clinic hours

We are happy to announce our updated hours as follows:

Monday- Thursday -> 10:00 am – 4:00 pm (Last patient seen at 3:30)

Friday -> CLOSED

Saturday -> 10:00 am- 1:30 pm (Walk-In for Don Valley FHO patients ONLY)

Sunday -> CLOSED


May 6-10 ,2024

*Please note, all pre-booked virtual appointments will still remain during this time